Level 3 Certificate in Dental Sedation Nursing (All Techniques)

Course title: Certificate in Dental Sedation Nursing (All Techniques)
This course is aimed at dental nurses who wish to assist in the provision of dental treatment under conscious sedation. Candidates can opt to do intravenous techniques or inhalation techniques or both as appropriate to their workplace.
Awarded by: The Dental Education, Learning and Training Academy (DELTA). Accredited by the IACSD.
Structure: The course is delivered by way of 6 modules. All modules are mandatory and must be passed.
Grading: Pass or fail
Pre-requisites: Candidates must hold GDC registration and a recognised Dental Nurse qualification.
Assessment: This qualification is assessed by:

  • Workplace Record of Competence which forms 40% of the final grade
  • Case study – one case study is required for each of the sedation techniques being covered and is included as part of the Workplace Portfolio of Evidence
  • Research project - an extended essay with research element is required in the final module and forms 20% of the overall grade
  • Final examination - a 60 minute written exam on all subjects covered forms 40% of the overall grade
Candidates must achieve a pass in all modules to gain the qualification.
Resit Arrangements: Candidates can receive a small course extension to amend or change any information in the case studies or essay submissions.

Candidates get two attempts at the final examination.
Practical Component: Assisting in the provision of dental treatments under conscious sedation
Guided Learning Hours: This programme is 300 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)
Course length: 9 - 12 months
Credits: This course attracts 30 credits

Course Content

Module 1 Content Module 1 Assessment
Preparation for sedation
Patient assessment and consent
In-module assignments
Module 2 Content Module 2 Assessment
Complications of sedation and their management
Medical contraindications
Complications during sedation
In module questions and answers
Module 3 Content Module 3 Assessment
Anatomy of cannulation sites
Respiratory system
Cardiovascular system
Blood pressure
End of module questions and answers
Module 4 Content Module 4 Assessment
Sedation techniques
Equipment and drugs used
End of module essays
Case study which contributes to the final grade
Module 5 Content Module 5 Assessment
Monitoring the patient
Managing emergencies
Evidence of the management of emergencies, and training in Life Support as part of the Workplace Portfolio of Evidence
Module 6 Content Module 6 Assessment
Administration, elimination and absorption of drugs used
End of module essays


Workplace Portfolio of Evidence

The candidate is required to complete a Workplace Portfolio of Evidence to demonstrate their involvement with sedation and their role when assisting in these procedures. They are required to complete the relevant sections for the technique they are wishing to study. The WPE requires documentation to evidence the patient journey through their treatment and must cover 10 inhalation patients and/or 20 IV patients.

Case Studies

The candidate is required to complete a maximum of 2 case studies which involve their role in the treatment of patients undergoing sedation. The case studies must be appropriate to the techniques used. All case studies must include:

  • Details of the treatment undertaken
  • The role of the dental nurse during the treatment
  • A critical evaluation of the appointment(s) including identification of strengths, areas of good practice and areas of improvement
  • Where possible, supporting literature should be included to justify treatment management decisions

Research Project

Candidates are required to undertake a research project into the use of sedation in dentistry. They can choose their own area of research and must submit a title for approval. It is estimated this project should be in the region of 3000 words and include referencing of current guidelines and research. This activity will contribute to 20% of the final grade.

Written Exam

Candidates will be required to sit a final written exam of 60 minutes duration. The examination is provided electronically and candidates will be able to take it in their own environment under strict, proctored examination conditions. A reliable WiFi connection is essential. This contributes to 40% of the final grade.