Advanced care planning

Each person has different views about what is important to them as they approach the end of their lives.

For some, spending quality time with friends and family will be more important than seeking professional support.  All the evidence suggests that when people have had time to think about and discuss what is important to them – both with professionals and those close to them – they are more likely to achieve what they wanted than those who did not.

This section contains documents to help with the process of planning ahead.  Clearly a plan can never be a guarantee that what is planned for will happen, but engaging in the process enables many difficult issues to be considered and addressed. These include:

  • Do Not Attempt Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR)
  • Preferred Priorities of Care document
  • Advanced Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT)

Advance Decisions to refuse treatment booklet

Brief Communication Strategies when opening a DNACPR conversation

Dignity in Dying. Your life, your choice booklet

DNACPR form version 5

DNACPR Patient leaflet_A4

DNACPR Decision making framework – key features document

Fylde Coast DNACPR Policy 2014- Decision making framework

Easy Read Preferred Priorities for Care Document

Preferred Priorities for Care Document